Rollercoaster Tycoon Hardest Scenario

Ultimate Rollercoaster >Discussion Forums >Roller Coaster Games >I Beat LALA Land!

RollerCoaster Tycoon. Just try your hardest to interlock them with your other rides at every possible opportunity. Build as many rides as you can this way to increase excitement on a lot of rides. But supposedly Conrad Feinson from the above Image Converter is working on it. Scenario Editor, this one is coming closer to being a reality.

Posted: 3/25/06 at 12:26:03 AM

I finally figured out how to beat lala land! First set ur resech to $500 All you do is beat the apprentice and entrupunuer level and then when u get to the tycoon level with the two annoying guys to please just delete ur entire park and then rebuild it 100% adventure, this will satisfy one of the guys, then after it says u have satisfyed the VIP then delete ur entire park and rebuild it as sci-fi themed and this will satisfy the other takes a while but it works!! good luck!

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byjammie789 at 8/2/06 7:00:42 AM

How did you impress the VIP that wants to watch a mixmaster display, mine never seems impressed by the display i do

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byOverbanked at 8/2/06 8:39:32 AM

Did you use the 'Stratosphere.fwd'. I recommend using that one.
IMO this level is the hardest to beat (including the expansion packs; RCT3 Soaked, and RCT3 Wild)

Re: I Beat LALA Land! bycomic_einstein at 8/30/06 9:36:58 PM

> How did you impress the VIP that wants to watch a mixmaster
> display, mine never seems impressed by the display i do

I had that same problem, too, but this is how I beat it. It's not which fireworks display you choose or create, that doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. I got so frustrated I took a single square of walkway, placed it right next to the display (I was kind of hoping he'd get burned), surrounded the square with fences and right before the fireworks started, I dropped Clinton in there. Finally! He saw the fireworks.

Re: I Beat LALA Land! bycomic_einstein at 9/2/06 2:18:21 PM

> I finally figured out how to beat lala land! First set ur
> resech to $500 All you do is beat the apprentice and
> entrupunuer level and then when u get to the tycoon level
> with the two annoying guys to please just delete ur entire
> park and then rebuild it 100% adventure, this will satisfy
> one of the guys, then after it says u have satisfyed the
> VIP then delete ur entire park and rebuild it as sci-fi
> themed and this will satisfy the other takes a
> while but it works!! good luck!


You are a beautiful human being. Thank you so much for your helpful hints.

For some reason, I had no problem getting the Sports VIP to enjoy his Adventure area, even though it was stuck in the back corner of the park. But the Politics VIP... Grrrrr. I took your advice and changed the whole park to Sci Fi - and it still didn't work. After some thought I realized that when I build Sci Fi areas, I put in concrete. I guess I have a sterile view of the future. The two Sci Fi parks previous to LaLa Land were like desert planets, so I changed the concrete to dirt and the VIP went for it. Yeah!

I also found out that if you don't want to make the whole park Sci Fi, you can build your Sci Fi area up to the beginning of the park (right up to the front gate!) and then plan the VIP's route so he doesn't leave the area during his visit, that will also work.

Re: I Beat LALA Land! bycomic_einstein at 9/28/06 3:18:31 PM

I've used every animal available. I've used all the land that's available. I've reached every goal EXCEPT, earning $2,800 in one month on viewing galleries. My park attendance seems to max out at 3,500, even with back to back to back advertising campaigns. I can't raise the viewing gallery prices any higher. Right now they're at $2 for common animals, up to $4.50 for the Pandas. I've tried upping the price, but the peeps refuse to pay more and the monthly total goes down. I've added and added more rides to the point that I'm building new things over or under or through existing rides.

So, anyone have any helpful hints? I'm all out of ideas. Okay, it's driving me crazy! Help!

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byRupedaddy at 11/4/06 11:46:47 PM

My wife and I just figured it out! All you have to do is completely theme an area. We paused the game and put down two themed rides (we even had one coaster that wasn't themed), put down the themed entrances and exits for each and also music and the fencing around the ride (either the lasers or titanium fences). Next, we fenced in the paths with the lasers also (the titanium fence would work, too. I'm sure). Plants, scenery (we had an entertainer. Not sure if that's needed), themed music piping in on the paths. Themed stalls (we moved all of our generic stalls into the central area between the mountains). All of this we had done (except for the entertainer and fences) with absolutely no result and then thought, 'Hey! Let's build a building over the path that leads into the area!' So, we did. We built a building over the path like in the one sci-fi park before (I can't remember the name). After this, we unpaused the game and Clint immediately decided he was going to leave. He signed some autographs and walked out and there was no difference UNTIL he went thru the building we had built that lead to the gate of the park! At that point, he was completely satisfied.

After that, we paused the game and did the same thing in the back area of the park using the adventure theme. DO EVERYTHING IN THIS THEME! Leave no generic stuff. After he went out thru the sultan's palace we had built over the way out of the adventure part, his opinion shot to the top, also!

Rollercoaster Tycoon Hardest Scenario

So, the building that the VIP can walk THRU seems to be the key. If you have different results, let us know.

Re: I Beat LALA Land! bydan_penrose at 2/21/08 4:56:44 PM

this might seem like i am being a bit thick but how do yabuild themed rdes and stuff

Rollercoaster Tycoon Free Online

Re: I Beat LALA Land! bykroan at 3/5/08 7:56:28 AM

Rollercoaster Tycoon Pc

> I've used every animal available. I've used all the land
> that's available. I've reached every goal EXCEPT, earning
> $2,800 in one month on viewing galleries. My park
> attendance seems to max out at 3,500, even with back to
> back to back advertising campaigns. I can't raise the
> viewing gallery prices any higher. Right now they're at $2
> for common animals, up to $4.50 for the Pandas. I've tried
> upping the price, but the peeps refuse to pay more and the
> monthly total goes down. I've added and added more rides to
> the point that I'm building new things over or under or
> through existing rides.

Rollercoaster tycoon hardest scenario video

> So, anyone have any helpful hints? I'm all out of ideas.
> Okay, it's driving me crazy! Help!

Tip: If you have enough guests in your park, just put a low cost entry for the galleries. That will generate full gallery traffic and your peeps will return into your gallery again.
The most people come to visit a low cost gallery, the best will be its income (better than if you have a few guests who increase your income for one moment) ;) Just try this and you'll see.

Feature tips:
Place the gallery not too far away from the animal house
Place some sceneries and trees (not too many) into the enclosure to increase its attractivity.
Sell more animal related goodies by placing objects kiosks next to galleries.
Place your galleries entrance directly into the main pathes of your park to attract as much people as possible.

Good luck ;)

Kroan -

Re: I Beat LALA Land! bymartix at 3/9/08 3:15:23 PM

Any savegames or some way to cut corners with this scenario???
Because just looking at the objectives and reading in forums about them makes me wanna stay as far away from this scenario as humanly possible!

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byV3lv3T at 8/7/08 12:47:32 PM

I still have problems with beating the entrepeneur level, the fireworks part.

I made a path leading to the fireworks and made a couple waypoints for the VIP there, and adjust the time when hes there.
This didn't work, and he just got angry for some reason...

Rollercoaster Tycoon Hardest Scenario Video

I also tried the above solution with 1 pathing block surrounded by fences, and dropping the VIP in there.

This also had no result whatsoever.
Only when i removes the fence he followed the path a while and then just started roaming into the field and to the exit of the park, 3 rounds, even growing more angry, and then just leaves the park unpleased...

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Scenarios

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byanothercoasterfan9927 at 12/20/08 10:22:31 AM

Kroan, just use the cheat code of jon mace. Select a guest and chamge his name to Jon Mace. THis will cause all your guests to pay double for all rides/attractions. Keep in mind that he pays half price.

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byJohn_Doe at 1/22/09 3:09:18 AM

Easier way... Think gardening, leave no space empty. Use at least one of each of the foliage for the adventure area and at least one of each for the Sci-fi area. Keep it to the appro. foliage.

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byTerrence at 10/24/09 2:44:08 AM

What kind of ride are for sci-fi and adcenture?

Rollercoaster Tycoon Hardest Scenario Game

Re: I Beat LALA Land! byfishookred at 8/27/10 7:08:24 PM

To Get Clint Bushton To See The Mix Master Display, You Must First Set Up One (I Would Suggest Loading One Of The Already Made Ones)
Then When He Is In The Park, Drag Him Over To Your Display (Make Sure To Have A Seating Set Up Area Very Close To The Display) Then Open The Mix Master Controls, Select Your Display, And Press Play. He Should Take Notice. (Try To Pause It When You Drag Him Over Though So he Cant Walk Away)

Rollercoaster Tycoon Hardest Scenario Mod

I made this discussion because I feel that difficult scenarios are vital to the games success. Atari really missed the mark with rct3 and I'm hoping to highlight some of the mistakes that were made.
The main thing that turned me away from rct3 was the lack of difficult scenarios and the unlimited time to complete them.
Camparisons of scenarios in rct1,2,and 3:
Roller coaster tycoon 1 had the best scenarios in my opinion. They had hard to beat goals and had structure where you had to beat one to unlock another. They also had unique maps where you couldn't build above the treeline or were forced to use a very small park. They had 25 parks in the original scenario list starting from very easy to decently hard.
Roller coaster tycoon 2 had the same difficulty levels in scenarios of rct1, but was severely lacking in structure. Structured scenarios (beat one to unlock another) gives users a reason to play through the entire campaign. It forces them to play through harder scenarios and ultimately has them spending more hours playing the game.
Rct3 had in my opinion the worst scenarios of the 3. They had very beautiful parks that obviously took a lot of time to create, but they lacked difficulty. They lacked difficulty in two areas. First, the scenarios goals were too modest. An example goal in 3 would be to build 2 coasters with very modest excitement ratings.. A similar scenario in rct1 or rct2 would have been to build 8 different types of coasters with a much harder rating to aquire than the counterpart in 3. Because of this, while playing through the scenarios, you were moving on to the next scenario before you even started to get attached to a park. The second area rct3 lacked difficulty in, is failure conditions. None of the scenarios in rct3 had failure conditions, you had unlimited time to achieve the goals. In the earlier installments, the failure modes were either: meet X by Y date.. or maintain condition Z (park rating ussually). Never having a failure mode killed any difficulty the rct3 scenarios may have presented.
Good scenarios contain:
1) Failure conditions (meet X by Y date.. or maintain condition Z)
2) A steady climb from easy to hard (ussualy takes multiple tries) in scenarios
3) A good variety of scenarios when entering the harder difficulties (very small parks, can't build above tree line, ect)
4) Structure (unlock one to beat another)
Do you guys agree?
What types of scenarios and goals would you like to see?
Did you enjoy the please the please the guest scenarios found in rct3, or do prefer hard goals instead (same goal, just completes as soon as you get it instead of waiting for guest X to come to the park), I personally prefer hard goals.