Rollercoaster Tycoon Handyman

  1. Rollercoaster Tycoon World Download
  2. Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 Download
  3. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Handyman Tips

Rollercoaster Tycoon is a simulation game from 1999 that puts you in charge of your very own theme park! Starting with bare land, you get to decide what rides, amusements, and food stands your park will have. This confused me too as I thought my handyman setup was pretty good and I didn't see litter or anything around. This went on for a few weeks until I suddenly happened to notice the culprit: I had left the first six or seven tiles of road immediately inside the gate of the park unattended.

Jimmy's Rollercoaster Tycoon Strategy Guide

By the maker of Jimmy Park at Thunder Rock , Jimmy's Coasters and Sting, the winner of the Infinity Amusements Wooden Rollercoaster competition.




Roller Coaster Tycoon is one of the best computer games I have ever played. It's extremely addictive and you never get tired of it. When I first started this game it was really hard for me, I couldn't seem to make any of the guests happy or make any of the rides not too extreme. My rides were almost always ultra extreme. I also couldn't really beat any of the scenarios because I was so tied up into making a rollercaster I forgot to open the park or make any other rides. However I have learned how to make the perfect rollercoaster, how to get money, how to make the guests happy and other things as well. Once you know those things you may never stop playing Roller Coaster Tycoon.

How to make your guests happy

Making your guests happy is maybe the most important part of the game. If your guests are happy they will stay in your park therefore you will have more guests because the guests that arrive at the park would stay there too. if you want your guests to stay in the park as long as possible make a price for the entrance fee but make the rides free so that you get a profit from the guests who enter your park. This way people will not lose as much money and if they lose all their money they can still go on the rides so therefore they are more happy. If you want more money and you don't care about the happiness of your guests you can make the entrance fee free and have the rides not be free or have a price for both the entrance fee and the rides. I recommend having a price for the entrance fee and having the rides be free. Another important thing about making your guests happy is the amount of litter in your park. Hire plenty of handymen, especially in crowded areas. The more crowded an area is the more litter throwup broken benches and bad garbage cans you will see. In order to make the guests happy in the crowded area hire plenty of handymen. Have their patrol area be at the crowded location make sure they don't mow lawns or else they won't clean the paths, if you don't have any gardens you don't need to have them water gardens either. For example this handy man will not wander off the paths and mindlessly mow your lawns.

You also have to replace benches, garbage cans and lamp posts frequently the guests would be more happy in the crowded area even though they will still say 'It's too crowded here.' Even in an area that isn't crowded there will still be plenty of litter and throw up to clean so hire a handyman to clean it up. If you just built a nauseating ride people will throw up after they go on it, to prevent this either try to reduce the nausea levels on the ride or build benches after the ride exit so that the sick people can rest. in order to reduce litter in your park build garbage cans. In any location that has a lot of litter build a garbage can. You also have to check your guests all the time and figure out what they are complaining about. You can click on this to check up on what the guests are complaining about the most so you can find out what you need to do or you can check up on an individual guest For example this guest

Rollercoaster Tycoon World Download

Rollercoaster tycoon games

may need some thing to eat and drink in order to get happier. If vandalism is a problem in your park your guests are not going to be happy. To reduce vandalism hire security guards. Entertainers can also cheer up your guests. Probably the most important thing that makes your guests happy are good rides. Make plenty of gentle rides and plenty of intense rides. For every intense ride you make make a gentle ride or maybe a thrill ride if you don't want to build a gentle ride. This way guests won't keep saying 'I want to go on something more thrilling than ...' or '... looks too intense for me.' as much. You also have to have plenty of food and drink to reduce your guests thirst and hunger and make plenty of bathrooms so that your guests don't need to go as much. You also have to make the entrance easily found by your guests so that they don't get lost as much.

How to make money

Making money is a very important thing. First of all you have to either make the entrance fee free and the rides not free, the entrance fee not free and the rides free, or a price for both the entrance fee and the rides. Another thing that is important in making money are hamburger stands, drink stalls, balloon stalls ect. Make sure that you make the price for your products in the stalls just right. To make the price just right check what people think about the price. If the price is too expensive the guests won't buy the things your trying to sell but if its too cheap you won't make a profit. In order to make the price just right check up on the guests who are buying from the stall. If they say '... has a really good value.' then the price is just right. You should also check your stalls and rides to see if they have a profit. If the profit is in negative dollars then check on the guests and see what they think about the ride or the stall. If they say 'I don't want to pay that much to go on...' then reduce the price. getting money is mostly based on the profit you get on the rides and the amount of people who are willing to pay the price to get things or go on rides.

How to make the perfect Rollercoaster.
Making rollercoasters is obviously the most fun part of the game, if you know how to make it right. First of all your rollercoaster has to have at least adequate ratings. The exitement level has to be as high as possible, the intensity level has to be less than 10.00, and try to make the nausea level less than Very High. To make the rollercoaster more exiting surround it with trees, make plenty of drops, make it intertwine within itself, make it go underground, make it very twisted and try to make the intensity level low. In order to keep the intensity level low you have to have each and evey turn be slanted like this

This is a rollercoaster without slanted turns

This is the same rollercoaster with slanted turns

As you can see slanted turns really make a difference. You also have to have the train go on turns as slow as possible after drops. In each rollercoaster which has corkscrews, loops or half loops try to make the train go on them as slowly as possible but fast enough to make the next loop if there is one. Try making brakes before the loops and corkscrews. The brake speed should be enough so that it slows down the train but it still makes the loop. If the train doesn't make the loop then make a drop before it, put boosters next to it, erase the brake before it or raise the brake speed. To reduce nausea levels try to have less loops. You should have enough loops to make the coaster look twisted but enough to not have as much of a nausea level. The maximun nausea level in my opinion is high the level should be no higher. You have to not have turns right after loops or drops. Try to make a straight away before the turns. In my opinion the best rating for a rollercoaster is Very High for exitement, High for intensity, and Medium for nausea. This way almost all the guests would be rushing to your coaster.


Here are some names you can give to the guests to make them do special things.

If you name one of your guests Chris Sawyer he will snap pictures of your park.

If you name a guest Simon Foster he will paint pictures.

If you name a guest Melanie Warn she will automatically become happy

If you name a guest Katie Brayshaw she will wave to people time after time

If you name a guest John Wardley he would say 'Wow!'

Rollercoaster Tycoon Handyman

If you name a guest John Mace he will pay double for rides

If you name a guest Damon Hill the go-carts will go faster.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 Download

this is another really cool code

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Handyman Tips

If you Obtain a lot of guests and money before March of the second year. Then, completely shut down your park (including rides and stands) for one entire year. Then a man in a blue suit will appear and give you $1,000,000.

If you have any complaints, suggestions or questions about my strategy guide email me at

You can also visit my other websites, Jimmy's Web Page, The World of Weird, and go to my bands website